14 Mar 2025
Every year, the East Bay Regional Parks District puts on their annual Trails Challenge. Now in its 32nd year, the Challenge is both an encouragement to get out on the trails, with a mileage goal and a trail count goal, and a guide suggesting a variety of hikes to go on suitable for people of all levels of hiking comfort.
14 Sep 2024
AC Transit is currently redesigning its bus network in a project called AC Transit Realign. The process is nearly finished, and there are important and positive ramifications for access to the outdoors in the inner part of the East Bay.
04 Apr 2023
Part of the joy of living in the Bay Area for me has always been how close I am to natural places in their infinite variety. Our lands feature everything from cool, damp redwood forests to rolling oak savannahs, and one of the most incredible parts of living here is how much of it is public land – our land – open for anyone to explore.
However, at the same time, it’s always frustrated me how difficult it can be to get to our region’s preserves and open spaces by transit. Over the years, I’ve become quite adept at it, and compiled my own list of trailheads I’ve found ways to get to without a car. I hope that in sharing this with you, I can share the joy of our open spaces.
The hikes listed here are meant to serve as inspiration for your own adventures. Pick a trailhead, pack a map, and get out there!